Broadway, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN7 4HX


Dunsville Primary School

Working as one to achieve excellence through enjoyment

Headteacher - Mrs V Wilson

School Specific Policies

This page will be continually updated with policies the school produces

Safeguarding Policy

 Accessibility Plan 2022-2025.pdfDownload
 Admissions Policy 2024-2025 DPS.pdfDownload
 Admissions Policy 2025-2026 DPS.pdfDownload
 Anti-Bullying Policy Nov 2023.pdfDownload
 Behaviour Policy Nov 2023.pdfDownload
 BFLPT Safeguarding Statement.pdfDownload
 Breakfast Club Policy Nov 2023.pdfDownload
 Car parking Nov 2023.pdfDownload
 Charging and Remissions Policy Nov 2023.pdfDownload
 Children with health needs who cannot attend school.pdfDownload
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Outbreak Management Plan